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On Wednesday, 17th November 2021, the launching conference for the “CRESC Project- Capacity, Responsibility, Efficiency, Sustainability and Quality through organizational development”, promoted by Filantropia Federation was held online and it had as participants representatives of NGOs from the social-philanthropic field, representatives of social services from local communities, authorities and representatives of media.
The debut of the conference was marked by the welcome speech of the moderator, Olivia Bîrdici, programme coordinator of Filantropia Federation, followed by a presentation of the historical profile and activities of Filantropia Federation, emphasizing the need for an increasing impact and efficiency of the social actions of the member or partner organizations and social structures within Romanian Orthodox Church and the necessity of their integration into a unitary, coordinated, coherent and efficient response to present social challenges.
The presentation of the CRESC project was made by Olivia Bîrdici, who emphasized the aim, the objectives, the activities, the expected results and the sustainability of the project. The project aims to develop the capacity of Filantropia Federation and 5 NGOs members to become sustainable and to have a strong impact on their communities.
The presentation of the partners involved in the project was given by their very representatives: Alexandru Gulei, the president of Social Alternatives Association and Lars Soeftestad, the president of CBNRM Networking, Norway. They revealed, in a summary, the main objectives and activities of their organizations and their role in the CRESC project; Cristian Neguț, project expert, explained the concept of “organizational development”.
The main results of the project aim at organizational development of the 5 NGOs included in the target group, increasing awareness of the evaluation instrument and of the process of organizational development; improvement of knowledge and skills for 100 trainees from the 5 NGOs (Christian Charity Aid „Ovidenia Bacău 2005” Association, Orthodox Filantropia Association – Huși, Deacon Centre „Christian Home” Association -Târgoviște, „Filantropia Porolissum” Association – Sălaj, „Maramureș Filantropia” Association; developing a set of transparent and responsible procedures of organizational governance, efficient management procedures and communication strategies for large audiences about the activities and the acquired results.
In terms of the sustainability of the project, Filantropia Federation will own, at the end of the project, a structured programme to develop skills, containing instruments of evaluation, training packages and methodology/ assistance instruments in the fields of governance, management, public communication and financial sustainability, that will be used further on in supporting unexperienced NGOs, at the national level, and in this way the results of the project will be multiplied.
The second session comprised examples of good practices to implement the processes of organizational development circumscribed to the areas of the project, respectively: fundraising, organizational management, public communication, financial sustainability, offered by the representatives of the following organizations: Vasiliada Association – Craiova, Deacon Mission Association – Chișinău, Republic of Moldova and Filantropia Association – Oradea.
The overall budget of the project is 247.164,75 Euro, out of which 238.764,75 Euro non-reimbursable financing, the implementation period of the project:24 months – 1st October 2021- 30th September 2023.
Suplimentary information about the project, on or on Facebook
For further information contact Project Manager: Olivia Nicoleta BÎRDICI / Communication expert: Marian TANASĂ Telefon: +40741.088.936/ +40740.930.183
The project is developed by Filantropia Federation in partnership with Social Alternatives Association, Iași, Romania and CBNRM Networking, Norway, with the financial support of Active Citizens Fund Romania, part of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for further information access
The programme Active Citizens Fund Romania is part of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. The general objective of the EEA and Norway Grants is to reduce economic and social disparities and to strengthen bilateral relationships between the 15 beneficiary countries and the Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). Active Citizens Fund Romania is administered by a Consortium composed of Civil Society Development Foundation, Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation, Resource Center for Roma Communities, PACT Foundation and Frivillighet Norge, appointed by the FMO as Fund operator. Active Citizens Fund Romania has as objective to strengthen civil society and active citizenship and to empower vulnerable groups. With a total allocation of 46,000, 000 euro, the programme seeks developing the long-term sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector, enhance its role in promoting democratic participation, active citizenship and human rights while strengthening bilateral relations with the donor states: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. For more information about Active Citizens Fund Romania, access . For suplimentary information about EEA Grants access