Activity Suceava
Between December 2022 and April 2023, within the framework of the Bilateral Initiative at Siret Customs, Suceava county, the activity of providing hot …
Between December 2022 and April 2023, within the framework of the Bilateral Initiative at Siret Customs, Suceava county, the activity of providing hot …
Between 18-20 February 2023, the sixth trip was organized as part of the Bilateral Initiative Integrated emergency interventions for refugees from Ukra…
Between 13-15 February 2023, the fifth trip was organized as part of the Bilateral Initiative Integrated emergency interventions for refugees from Ukra…
Between 7-9 February , the fourth trip was organized as part of the Bilateral Initiative Integrated emergency interventions for refugees from Ukraine i…
Between 16.12-18.12.2022, the third trip was organized as part of the Bilateral Initiative Integrated emergency interventions for refugees from Ukraine…
Between 09.12-11.12.2022, the second trip was organized within the Bilateral Initiative Integrated emergency interventions for refugees from Ukraine in…
Between 25.11-27.11.2022, the first trip was organized as part of the Bilateral Initiative Integrated emergency interventions for refugees from Ukraine…
Federaţia Filantropia, prin intermediul campaniei de strângere de fonduri „Ajută un bătrân să zâmbească”, se alătură eforturilor de la nivel național de a oferi sprijin persoanelor vârstnice, aflate în nevoie, punând la dispoziție paltforma
Federația Filantropia este alături de persoanele vârstnice, singure și în neputință, aflate în momente grele, prin rugăciune și solidaritate, oferind sprijin financiar pentru servicii sociale și medicale.