1. General information
Name of the project: Adapting to the new
Name of the project promoter: Filantropia Federation Bucharest
Name of the partner: Associazione Forma Mentis, Fisciano, Italy
Implementation period of the project: 18 months (April 1st2022 – September 30th 2023)
Project lump sum: 60.000€
- Active ageing
- Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination
- Digital skills and competences
The population of Romania that is 65+ years is 13,2% in 2019, with 3500 thousand people of 65+ years that are unemployed and economically inactive, and in not even 50 years the population that is 65+ years will exceed 50%, according to a report by the National Committee for Population and Development.
2. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the importance of active ageing and the need of elderly people for digital education and guidance in order to avoid discrimination and social exclusion in their communities.
3. Specific objectives of the project:
- to equip the 10 senior workers from the 2 transnational communities (from Romania and Italy) involved in the project with knowledge that will increase their capacity of working with seniors and more particularly with seniors that want to adopt an active ageing leading life. They will learn in this activity to develop adapted curricula, educational resources, deliver a training course to the target group;
- to foster basic digital knowledge about internet banking and online shopping for necessities such as medicine even food when necessary because this is proving to be more and more useful in the pandemic especially for elderly people;
- to develop their own resilience and strategies for active aging among seniors;
- to develop social and integrate abilities of senior workers that could be used to help elderly people to be safe from exclusion and discrimination;
- to consolidate the capacity of the organizations with training senior workers on the urgently to be addressed topic.
4. Target groups: this project is addressed to two different target groups:
- 10 senior workers from the 2 partner organizations/countries (5 seniors per each organization) need to be upskilled with the new hot topic of nowadays digital society and active ageing.
- the activities of senior workers can help elderly people make friends, gain new social and digital skills, build confidence, resilience and, if possible, contribute to the economy and society.
5. Main activities:
- Management activities (dissemination, information, evaluation, monitoring)
- Handbook for awareness and understanding of active ageing and the importance of having the basic digital skills among elderly people.
- Training activity for senior workers in the field of social inclusion on the topic of active ageing and acquirement of basic digital knowledge.
- Training package on elderly people’s understanding of active ageing and the basic digital knowledge
- Kick off meeting
- Multiplier event in Romania
- Multiplier event in Italy
6. Expected results:
- A methodological learning framework for building social skills among senior workers in combating discrimination and helping them adapt, live a healthy fulfilling life in order to achieve a better inclusion of seniors;
- Holding training for a total of ten senior workers from all the partners of the project;
- Developing an innovative training course addressed to the seniors in order to raise awareness and to find ways to combat the pressing matter.
7. Sustainability of the project
All the partners committed to continuing using the results of the project with their trainers and trainees after the project is finished. All the partners will use their connections to public administration and other adult education entities to exploit the project results and multiply their use. The project results will be available for free to target groups with the aim of promoting its use. Moreover, they will be open and freely accessible beyond the end of the project contributing this way to sustainability and use of project results.