
In July 2023, on the 3rd, 5th and 14th, the Filantropia Federation in partnership with the CBNRM Networking Norway organization, organized the „Organizational Monitoring and Evaluation” training, addressed to the members of the Federation’s Board, bringing a plus of value within Activity no. 11 „Providing training, mentoring and coaching for the Filantropia Federation in the key areas of organizational development” within the CRESC project.

The training, moderated by our Norwegian Partner, Mr. Lars Soeftestad, president of CBNRM Networking Norway, served to improve organizational monitoring and evaluation skills in general, as well as to establish indicators and evaluation methodology for the Federation Strategy in particular.

The first day of the training was held through a dialogue between the moderator and the participants, who were challenged with the following questions:

1. Define „evaluation”?

2. Define „monitoring”?

3. Does M&E measure anything. If so, what?

4. M&E is crucial in project management. Why?

5. Where in the overall project cycle does M&E fit in?

6. Compare monitoring and evaluation (M&E), incl. address the difference between them?

7. What are (some of) the methodologies- used in M&E? Share details.

8. What is an indicator?

9. What is a composite indicator, and why and where to use such indicators?

10. Are there different types of evaluation? If you agree, can you name some and explain what they are?

11. Have you personally, and/or your organization, worked on monitoring and/or evaluation? If yes, share details.

12. Is there something in M&E that you find difficult to understand and/use/apply? If yes, share details.

13. What in M&E would you like to learn (more) about?

14. Suggest a project you know off (past, present, or future) that we could discuss?

On the 2nd and 3rd day of the training, we discussed and worked on setting up impact-outcome-output objectives on the Federation Strategy (establishing indicators for the strategy activity plans and defining the Strategy implementation monitoring process).

The course was mainly held in English, on the ZOOM platform.

Lucrăm împreună pentru o Europă verde, competitivă și incluzivă!
Învățăm, construim, creștem împreună!
Federația Filantropia
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